Steinberg Review

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VST I have written various reviews about Cubase. The main reason there for is that I work with this program for 10 years now and teach for many years. I also have to do my best to follow developments, sometimes it's good rather fast. But really major changes is this program not going true, that's a shame. The real big changes had place while Cubase was in developing for Atari. link MNX2010 Atari-Music The new window survey of the arrangement with the first Cubase version en later on the Falcon they add audio to the midi sequences, the first version of Cubase-Audio, that where real changes. But now slowly it's look like Cubase lost it's survey, because of al the little buttons and hide functions. New add to Cubase are the Mixers and Sub -Mixers and the enormous amount of plugins and VST -Instruments. Also the newer versions are made suitable for to work with higher sample rates and frequencies, but for the rest the developments are not real spectacular. On the aria's like survey, sampler editor, plugin en Instrument management are no real positive developments to report. In the reality Cubase is much to big and to slow and use to much CPU. I have to mention also that on an Apple, Cubase is running, usual much better and more stabile. So it could something to do with the Windows program, what is still not enough developed for multi media. If you want to work with Cubase, you need to own one of the fasted computers, if you want to use the maximum possibility's of plugins and VST -Instruments.

For real professional use Cubase is not so suitable, there for it is to slow and needs survey. Steinberg redirected here to Nuendo a Multi-Track recording program, good integrated with special devolved hardware DA/AD converters. Cubase is so to speak only suitable for to make an arrangement, Nuendo to mix it out and to work it out to a real product. For short, cubase has in it's existence a good distribution and will be the standard for decennia long for working with digital audio.

Since the Falcon Cubase has Expand with audio tracks. That fact has cause a lot of Synchronisation problems with the PC version of Cubase-Audio. It's require a good working Asio driver and supporting hardware to keep the latency (audio delay) low as possible. In fact Asio Driver is still the fasted driver, faster than the Direct-X & WDM Windows drivers. Still there can exist problems with Asio, especially with using multi channel and use of many AD/DA converters, like digitale & Optische A-DAT. Shore, it all works, but often there is more promise than for real and it works not real optimal and the latency is often much higher or you must be Asio expert or what ever. From own experience I developed the attitude, as it works, don't touch it, even when you don't understand everything. If you work with different modules, you don't want a chaos of different latency's, but in one beat. Luckily the most different between the latency's are to neglect, but it could be your problem.

That is the biggest reason why the most digital studio's in general, choose for a intergraded soft & hardware package link MNX2010 audio , like Nuendo, Logic Audio and PRO-TOOLS. There also who choose for a more expensive solution, small companies who deliver a total package with tuned soft & hardware, exactly what the studio wish for. It will mean as an amateur (or professional without the money) you most of the time fixing and struggle with stuff who will work for a part, but maybe at last will work properly.

mnxvstlogo An other major problem is de sampling editor functions in Cubase, who are hardly developed. For the real editing of samples is redirected to Wavelab, for Cubase to start, but slows down extra, because there now 2 programs open. Also Wavelab is very "basic" for my taste, without the Wright plugins is only a simple editor in compare with Avalon (the Atari Steinberg sampling program) who had all sorts of extra's build in, for example to generate a sample on it self or in combination with soundwaves. A lot is old news and you ask your self, when real changes will be devolved, in stat Steinberg is resting on his (wreath) old successes of begin years. I' am here also very critical because I think for the real high price Steinberg ask for his products, you also may aspect something.

Luckily there are also a lot of good new things to report, like the movie import, digital hardware synchronisation and the expansion of the Mixers and Sub-Mixers. Trough digital hardware synchronisation it's possible to connect more computers and A-DAT modules to each other and to synchronies. You only have to buy a special sync module, or a special PCI card. Look out, don't buy for every little problem a new piece of hardware, know what you need! I'll advice to every one, choose a good quality computer system, maybe a bit more expensive, but cheap will cost more here in this branches. A old and unstable system is not upgradeable until something good, the change a more fast and expensive system will be good functional is off course much bigger.

Drivers & Latency
Maybe MUTO is more expensive, but it is the only system what I saw working without problems (of systems above 8 channels). Also the driver updates are always of high quality and there are no less soundcards who are famous about that, accept Creative. For smaller budget is also a very suitable card of Creative -Sounblaster : The new card of EMU-Soundblaster (EMU is bought by Creative) with or/and the breakout box (externe module) with al soorts in/outputs that you can think about. This card is very suitable for professional and amateur purposes with it's 24/196 sample rate. With Soundblaster is also known that driver updates are mostly ok and in combination with the Hardware of EMU it must be a real hit.

Cubase Education
If every thing at last is working and you own the right hard & software, you finally can go to work. At least if you know how to treat Cubage. Luckily nowadays there are a lot of book about Cubase SX and you can also download here an E-BOOK tutorial. As last option you can follow a courses. For my self preferable I teach groups. I work preferable with people who have little experience with music and/or computers, who learn quick and a little self-taught man. Well than is it's possible to dive more deeper into the material and with faster results. To have some experiences for your self before to join a courses could be important here, it cost you less when it disappointing. mnx .... 2004