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MNX2010 - Rebirth RB-338 - 23 Years Now !

Since 2001 - Last Update 25 July 2024

Download Rebirth 2.01 for free
These ISO files are the original Rebirth
(version 1998) from (
(This is the legal version and needs the CD or ISO to run !)
Rebirth (x64) for WIN XP/Vista/7/8/10/11 (not works with 32 bit - WIN 8.1 & 10)
With wine (software) : MAC OS 09 & 10, Linux, BSD, Solaris, and Ubuntu.

For install Rebirth X64 PC, scroll down for install instructions
Download the original Rebirth WIN ISO file, it's freeware
The files are checked on viruses

ReBirth (WIN 32bit) CD-ROM Image ISO Google Drive
Or download the MAC IMG version, it's freeware
The files are checked on viruses

(Works with MAC-X on powermac in Classic Mode)
ReBirth (MAC OS9) CD-ROM Image IMG Google Drive
Or download Torrents, the original RebirthMuseum Rebirth CD !
The files are checked on viruses

ReBirth (PC 32bit) CD-ROM Image .ZIP Torrent
ReBirth (PC 32bit) CD-ROM Image .ISO Torrent
ReBirth (MAC OS9) CD-ROM Image .IMG Torrent
Not RebirthMuseum version
Rebirth 2.01 incl X64 installer (version 2001)
For this version you don't need the X64 installer.
Highly likely the last original Rebirth X64 (2001) version (before it became freeware),
is exactly the same 2.01 version as the 1998 Rebirth museum version.
Application 2.01 / Engine 2.0, Thanks to Dominik Girsztowtt

Easy to install : Load ISO and install Rebirth.exe
You need also to install the Winhelp32 file (scroll down for download & install info)

The files are checked on viruses
ReBirth (WIN 64bit) CD-ROM Image ISO Google Drive

propellerheadgl facebook propellerheadwt

Rebirth X64 Install Info for PC
Download the ReBirth 2.0.1 x64 Installer, it's freeware
The files are checked on viruses

ReBirth RB-338 (64 bit) Google Drive

Or download the torrent, it's legal and free !
The files are checked on viruses

ReBirth 2.0.1 Installer (64-bit) Torrent
Oke, This method works on two of my computers with
Win 7 (x64), but also work on Win 8 (x64) :
Burn and insert the Original Rebirth CD (32 bit) (or)
mounting the iso file (in mounting software) and download
the 64-bit installer and the (unzipped) files on
your Harddisk. And use an ISO-Mount Program like WinCDEmu.
Use the 64-bit installer for install CD/ISO and now install
the winhelp32 file (WIN 7/8): Install.cmd (As administrator).
Now start Rebirth, it will 100% run ! (See Video on Top)

Luc Bergeron Tip : To avoid sync problems with Reason 9/10 and
Rewire x64 install Rebirth in folder C:\Program Files\Propellerhead\

Download the correct (2010 version)
The files are checked on viruses

winhelp32 (WIN 7/8) Google Drive

Same file with extra two lines added,
ready for use WIN10 (see below)

winhelp32 (WIN 10/11) Google Drive
So this is how to install Rebirth x64 on WIN10/11 :
Insert the Original Rebirth CD (32 bit) or mounting the iso file
(for WIN10/11 double click) and download the 64-bit installer and
the winhelp32 (unzipped) files on your Harddisk.
And use an ISO-Mount Program like WinCDEmu.
Use the 64-bit installer for install CD/ISO and now install
the winhelp32 file (WIN 10/11): Install.cmd (As administrator).
Now start Rebirth, it will 100% run ! (See Video on Top)
(for specialists) The extra 2 lines to makes this work in WIN10/11 :
Open winhelp32 folder. Right click the Install.cmd file and
chose edit. A text editor window opened.
Go to settings and add these two lines :
set WindowsVersion=7
goto :BypassVersionError

Then save the file, open as Admin. and install winhelp32.

Thanks to Detlef Schwerter

Rebirth ISO Mount for PC
There are many questions about mounting the ReBirth ISO file, if you
do it right you will do it once. Unfortunately, Mounting Windows 10
does not really work flawlessly. I found WinCDEmu here, a suitable
freeware open-source CD/DVD/BD emulator and supports unlimited
amount of virtual drives. The program just works in Explorer menu.
After installing, right click on the ReBirth ISO, choose drive letter
and load the disk. In new window, Choose a drive letter and click on
"keep drive after reboot". (works on all Windows)

WinCDEmu (One-click mounting)
WinCDEmu Sourceforge

Rebirth Install Info for MAC OSX
For MAC OS 9, you also can try the original MAC version of Rebirth, see
for download on top of this site. For MAC OS 10/11, you can use freeware
Wine or PlayOnMac to run the XP 32bit version of Rebirth on your MAC !
PlayOnMac (Windows on MAC)
PlayOnMac is based on Wine, but much simpler and has good
integration with MACos. My advice is to try this program first
before you start with the much more complex Wine program.

PlayOnMac Download
Wine (Windows on MAC)
Running the latest MAC OS, it may take a while before there is a new wine
Thanks to Sean Fox, he wrote this manual how to install Rebirth into Wine !

Download PDF or Facebook Post - by Sean Fox (Donald McKeown)
Manual Rebirth into Wine Facebook
Condensed Version of RB-338 ISO
The files are checked on viruses

RB-338 ISO for Wine

Download the newest version of Wine
Wine Download
Winebottler Sourceforge

Wine runs on Mac, Linux, BSD, Solaris, and Ubuntu !

Rebirth 2.01 Manuals
Original Manual 2.01 pdf (1.8 Mb) Google Drive
Manual 2.01 Printable Version pdf (4.0 Mb) Google Drive

RebirthChartMNXpic2 RB_Bible4
RB - 303 patern chart, tested !                  RB - Manual 2.01 Printable Version

Download Drums & TB303 Patern Charts
I have re-edited the original tb 303 chart and made
a drum and a 303 chart, based on the RB & TB charts.
Whether you make it in RB or with TB hardware,
record your tunes & rhythms with this patern charts.

Rebirth Drums patern chart pdf (0.39 Mb) Google Drive
Rebirth 303 patern chart pdf (1.9 Mb) Google Drive

Akai LPD8 controller files for Rebirth
I searched for the cheapest yet reliable controller hardware for my studio
and that's how I came across the Akai LPD8. But it is also useful when
traveling with a laptop computer. I paid less than 20 euros for Akai LPD8
secondhand, so that makes it attractive to buy one. I made the pads more
sensitive, you can find instructions on YT. I've had it for a year and it
works exactly as it should, I'm happy with it.

Unfortunately, the drums and 303 cannot be directly played
by a note numbers, but just about all other functions can.

Also with Rebirth the hardware clearly adds something, not only the filters
but also the pitch mode and transport are useful for controlling hardware
moderately. The download may also be useful for people with a different
controller, it contains txt files that give an overview of the controllers.

---------------------------------------------------------------- (0.1 Mb) Google Drive
Korg Nano Kontrol 1 files for Rebirth
Made by Vivolator, NanoKontrol files & Skin for ReBirth.
The skin is a visual reference to what all the controls were assigned to.

---------------------------------------------------------------- (0.7 Mb) Google Drive
Korg Nano Kontrol 2 files for Rebirth
---------------------------------------------------------------- (0.3 Mb) Google Drive

ReBirth - YouTube Playlist 1 !

Rebirth Mod's
With mod files you can load unique combination of sample sets
and graphics. I selected and tested 100 Mods Pack 1 (360 mb) &
37 Rebirth Mods Pack 2 (123 MB), who all work in Rebirth 2.0.
Put them into the MOD Rebirth program folder.
Create your own mods with ModPacker & ReNovator x64.

(if use CD, do not use all MOD files in one time, it take a long loading time and can crash)
The files are checked on viruses
Download 100 Rebirth Mods Pack 1 (360 MB) Google Drive
The files are checked on viruses
Download 37 Rebirth Mods Pack 2 (123 MB) Google Drive
The files are checked on viruses
Download 34 Rebirth Mods Pack 3 (119 MB) Google Drive
I found these MOD files on my computers, in the cloud and old CDs,
which are all on the MOD list. Maybe you also have old MODs (.rbm)
lying arounds somewhere and they work on the legal 2.0 version, you
can upload them in the FaceBook ReBirth group, but you must be
a member. But first check the "existing mod files list.txt" whether
your mod is on the list. So don't upload files on the list
(regularly updated). Click on the link FB ReBirth files and go
to upload, a post is also created, where you can add.
(existing mod files list.txt) & (FaceBook ReBirth Files)
Mod software
Use Renovator (ask for a free key) and connect with
modpacker x64. Revovator manages to open Modpacker.
(Thanks to Conor Teahan).
Modpacker x64 is original from the Rebirth museum.

Download ModPacker & ReNovator x64 for Rebirth Mod
The files are checked on viruses

ModPacker & ReNovator (64 bit) - Win7/8/10 Google Drive

ReBirth - YouTube Playlist 2 !

Rewire 64 bit for PC
ReWire to connect your DAW to Rebirth, info >
At first you click on Rewire.reg, in the Rebirth program map. Open folder: 32 bit bridge,
click on Setup.exe. In the window select both rewire versions. Agree the disclaimer and
install. Now new window opens and confirms the installation.
A new window shows connections in my case : Rebirth audio in Cubase.

Note : In many cases Rewire will no longer work with modern DAW software.
For example, Cubase supports Rewire up to and including Cubase 10.
Also Rewire can give problems working in WIN 10 with Reason 11

Download 32/64 bit bridge for x64 Rebirth, VST & Reason
The files are checked on viruses

Rewire (64 bit) - Win7/8/10 Google Drive
Good alternative, for virtual AUDIO / MIDI > JACKaudio
or LoopBe1 or virtualMIDI or loopMIDI work as well.

ReBirth - YouTube Playlist 3 !

Rebirth used as Plugin
Until Reason version 10.0.1 it was possible to work with Rebirth module (input machine),
but is no longer supported in newer versions. With Rewire you can use Rebirth as plugin,
in the following programs : Cubase, Reason, Ableton Live, FL Studio, Logic Pro, Presonus
Studio One, Pro Tools, Nuendo, Orion Platinum (a selection). The audio is streaming into
your DAW, for every instrument a separate channel. Rebirth has also midi remote,
(for the commands and key numbers see manual).
Rebirth is still one of the best 303 plugins there is.

Rebirth as standalone
Sometimes it is difficult seeing the wood for the trees, in your studio at home that is..
and there is Rebirth to easy use on your laptop, that can reduce some complexity.
There are two methods processing your Rebirth song : you can render your complete
song into wav file (44.1 khz. 16bit). The loop length sets up the song length.
Or better, render only the synths (303), and load as audio tracks into your DAW.
Make you settings and put on to record and scroll the song counter to the end of the song.
After this you can render your 303 lines separate. Replace the drums for better drum
sounds (use Remaker). The second method is with Remaker. You can convert your Rebirth
file into (MID) file and import to your DAW.( See Remaker short manual)

Tip : Rebirth to small? Use windows magnifier (typ magnifier in WINDOWS start menu)
Copy icoon to the desktop, in Options put 150% full screen works for me fine

SyncMaster-740BF labtop
Tip : Use a secondhand screen put to 800 x 600 pix or use Windows magnifier

Remaker short manual
One of the most interesting program tools for Rebirth is Remaker.
Especially when your 303 clone does not have a sequencer (rack clones).
To work with Remaker it is recommended having a basic knowledge of midi data
structure. Unfortunately, Remaker is not complete. It is not possible to convert your
Rebirth song in one time, because there is only one interface with 303 settings. So to
convert the second collection of 303 settings you need to do it again. For the controller
list see your hardware manual and save your converter options for future use. (rem)

To set the length of your midi track, select loop-length in Rebirth, loop off.
To separate your CC (midi controller's) and structure the midi data for your synthesizers,
use your DAW (for example Cubase). Delete all rest data, volume or other non-useful data.
Import your MID file, already in your arrangement, create a new project, select no.
Now duplicate your imported tracks and parts many times and delete al other data
and only keep the specific midi data you need.

In Cubase : To separate the data, use key and list editor. The list editor shows all data,
select a file to delete and go to mask, select data type, select all files and delete it.
In mask go back to Noting, and scroll in the list to check out the result.
To separate the different Controller data, use the key editor.
Here you can visually select and delete the controller data you don't need.

Bugs : The Controller data converting in Remaker, will not always work properly.
But midi-key and pitch works fine. Also some copies outside the song (length) show up,
you can delete this midi data. To prevent problems with large midi-data packs,
note that not all (ANALOGUE) hardware can handle this.
Use as little as possible midi data and delete the non-effective midi data.

Install(x64): as admin and right click, in options select compatible with winXP (sp3)
Download 32 bit Remaker 1.32 for Rebirth 2.0,
The files are checked on viruses

Remaker(32/64bit) - XP/Win7/8/10 Google Drive
Or Remaker site for latest Download

Rebirth _iphone

Rebirth 338 YouTube Playlist

Site History
I am working with Rebirth, from the moment it become freeware, I think before 2001.
Sort after I made this site, which was actually meant as a support for rebirth in reason
and especially the collaboration between these two. But I have collected almost all the
old RB files on the web, on my HD. On the site I only share the software that also
works on WIN x64, has been tested and is checked for viruses. But there's more !

When the rebirth museum stopped, I used the original FTP link that still worked to offer
Rebirth downloads. Nowadays you can download it from my mediafire and google drive.

In 2015, I found the ReBirth x64 installer, but it fail to work.
After a long search on internet I found this video (see RB Playlist up) in German,
what brings me to this method and it works!
Well it take me a half year to find this out, the problem was the Winhelp32 file.


Click here for Info For Review, Manuals & songs and other file downloads, scroll down

Still need help or questions ? Or share your Rebirthing ?
Facebook Support Group for ReBirth (x64)

Rebirth I-Pad & I-Phone YouTube Playlist


Download MNX2010 Rebirth-Mods
tb-blue Click here for download quasar Click here for download
Download (2.6MB) Original >>> * Mediafire Download * * Google Drive Download *
Download (5.0MB) Original >>> * Mediafire Download * * Google Drive Download *

Reason logo

New - Acid Techno Site !
Global Network for Acid Music, social media sites & sites without
the Acid genre.(SoundCloud & YouTube) and 303 Hard & Software.
On the www there are only a few sites Acid related sites. So have a peek !
Acid Techno Site ! >>> Underground Acid Techno

newlogo2annim newlogototaal3
YouTube Playlist of my audiovisual project and I make my tracks
with Rebirth & Remaker. Info, downloads & clips >>> Energetic Vortex

Rebirth & Reason Song Archive :

This Rebirth Song Archive is selected by DJ MAN-X strictly UnderGround
Drum & Bass, Acid House & Ambient Styles. Download here the best
Hundred Selected (in four zip files) out of thousand files in store.
I only add 4 Reason songs, Selected out of 50 songs, becouse of it's big size.

rebirth logo

Rebirth & Reason Links :

screen rebirth

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